Self Portrait with Tail, 2008, Digital photograph
Ron Paul, Pall Mall, U-Haul, 2007, Digital photographs
Every Artistic Filter Applied to Every Sample Image Included with Adobe Photoshop CS3, 2008, Digital images
All of the Even Pixels Manually Erased from the Most Expensive Photograph Sold at Auction, 2008, Digital photograph
All of the Odd Pixels Manually Erased from the Most Expensive Photograph Sold at Auction, 2008, Digital photograph
Aqua Blue/Bliss, 2008, Lenticular printClick for video documentation
Every Circle K in Tucson, Arizona, 2008, Zine
Exxon Bag Filled with Soiled Cat Litter, 2010, Object
Craigslist Unclicked/Clicked, 2009, Screenshots
Everything I've Done Over the Past Couple of Years, 2008, DVD-R discs